
Thoughts on children and silence

Thoughts on children and silence

Do children sometimes need peace and quiet? In a recent college class (along with a group of student teachers), I was watching a video of an experienced teacher in action as she worked alongside toddlers with watercolour paints. The atmosphere in the room was one of engagement. The children were fascinated with the materials and happily experimented, with occasional support […]

A boy and his flowers

A boy and his flowers

What happens when a child is given access and time to pursue his fascination with painting flowers? Open access to varied art media can result in some fascinating studies by children. I’ve long believed that art is a language, and children show us over and over again, through their art, what is interesting or puzzling for them. In this case, […]

Planning within Emergent and other Inquiry-Based Curricula

Planning within Emergent and other Inquiry-Based Curricula

What do we mean by ‘planning?’ I have just returned from an exciting and stimulating trip to Ontario, where I engaged with Early Childhood Educators, Supervisors, College Instructors and other professionals. It was interesting to discuss ideas around planning within Emergent Curriculum, and all the different images and ideas that come to mind when we use that word ‘planning.’ We […]